Thursday, November 12, 2009

This evening (Thursday, November 12th) Cathy, Christine and Lauren are coming to Lakeshore to celebrate Lauren's 24th birthday!


L oves family and friends.

A nticipates God's plan for her life.

U nderstands life never comes down as expected.

E njoys seeking the best in life!

N ever gives up .. realizes the miracle is just around the next corner.

Lauren is our second granddaughter who made her way into our lives only sixteen months after her older sister Christine arrived. I personally will never forget the night (or rather early morning) she discovered this world. Cathy lived in Ponca City at the time. Her husband was teaching a night class. Since Lauren's due date was near and Christine was just a toddler, I drove from Oklahoma City after work to stay with Cathy during the evening (had planned to return to OKC early the next morning in time for work)

Cathy's favorite meal that she likes her mother to prepare is fried chicken, mashed potatoes (for us Southerners) and gravy. To finish it a banana pudding is always her favorite dessert. I arrived, prepared her favorite meal and we had a nice evening just visiting ... everyone went to bed by 11:00 p.m. About midnight Cathy called to me, "Mom, I think this may be the time!" And it was!

Even on November 13, 1985, Lauren was considerate ... she chose to be born while I was already there. Since Cathy went to the hospital at 1:00 a.m., it was good that Grandmother PawPaw Connie was already 'in the building' so to speak to take care of Big Sister Christine.
Now, where have the years gone ... Lauren has made our lives richer and happier. We remember the days of piano lessons (and recitals), dance lessons (and recitals), coronet/trumpet lessons (and band concerts), high school choir rehearsals (and special events) and all the wonderful events associated with seeing your granddaughter become a young woman.
Lauren, like her sister Christine, graduated from Bethany High School (my Alma Mater). She graduated from Southern Nazarene University (the Alma Mater of her sister Christine, her mother Cathy, and her grandfather Larry). The summer after college graduation, Lauren went to Sierra Leone to work in an orphanage for a month. (She still cares and prays for the children). Then this summer she had the pleasure of going to Sweden for two weeks ... that with two trips to Hawaii, one wonderful Thanksgiving when she got to see the Macy's Parade in New York, one semester at our Nazarene Point Loma University in San Diego, CA, and a week's tour with "The Invisible Child" awareness campaign earlier this year, has broadened her knowledge and perspective of this wonderful world in which we live.
Now, the good news is "this is the first day of the rest of Lauren's life!" While she has her day job in the IT Department at SNU, she is exploring options of what God has planned for her life. And we believe with her, that the best is yet to come! Jeremiah 29:11 is the promise! Happy Birthday to the "baby girl"! We love you!

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