Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What Keeps A Coach Optimistic?

September seems to signal that Fall is in the air (Fall officially begins September 22nd this year). Also, September usually points to the beginning of high school and college football games.
Most all Americans take some interest in football games; some more than others. There are those like me who keep up with it enough to make intelligent conversation about wins and losses. But my question in this Blog is " Have you ever thought of how coaches cope with losses?" Now teams and fans also have to manage the disappointment of losses. However, this week I tip my hat to the coaches. As I mentioned above you may be a "fair weather" football fan or not a fan at all. Regardless I think all of us would agree that coaches have to be made of tough stuff! Several years ago Robert Schuller wrote a book entitled "Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do!" Losing seasons may last but coaches must stay optimistic.

They have to remain positive and give an optimistic appearance even if it is the fourth quarter and they are behind. They have to encourage the team when the starting quarterback and major defensive players are injured and it appears they will be out for the remainder of the season.

What qualities do coaches possess that give them this ability? I haven't done research but in my opinion coaches choose to not let the facts totally discourage them. They, just like all of us, have disappointments and events that don't go as they plan or want. They fall down just like we do, however, they have the resilience to get up and go again. They are encouragers ... to themselves and to their teams. They are people builders. They have learned to "stick to the task" and to "dance in the rain instead of waiting for the storm to pass!"

So whether your team wins or loses the next game and/or the next season, remember it takes a special person to take the risk to be a coach!

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